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Step Sisters: Boom

One of the first signs that Eleanor Romanov is underhanded and a little, uh - EVIL, is how she reacts to America dropping the Bomb on Japan in August 1945. In Chapter 2 -- which consists entirely of letter from Eleanor to Captain Hughes -- he opens her September 1945 communication with the phrase "boom!" suggesting a raw callousness and distinct lack of empathy. It also suggests that Eleanor, maybe, is much older than she claims to be (as a vampire, she is indeed much, much older) in her blasé attitude to terrible real world events.

I toyed with removing this line ("boom!"), as it is incredibly insensitive. Then again, it's not me writing this line -- it's Eleanor Romanov. She's not a nice lady. She's a vampire. I think that this line, delighting in the misery of the Japanese, unable to comprehend of the horror of atomic weapons, illustrates that while she is old, she is also ever so innocent and child-like at heart.

I originally included a direct reference to Dr Oppenheimer but it seemed too on the nose, this being the summer of Oppenheimer, after all.

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