Shark Girl Summer
If someone thinks I watched Jaws and had a lightbulb pop off, deciding my next novel would be Jaws by way of my previous book -- a girl transforming into a Great White Shark -- then well done, you're bang on the money. Look, I love Spielberg. He's my favourite filmmaker. Eight years of Film Studies couldn't convince me there's someone better out there or someone who better captures the spirit of the movies. I'm kinda proud Whitewater resembles a movie better than it resembles a book, though if you're going to quibble I did learn how to write an action sequence from the Anthony Horowitz, Robert Muchamore books I used devour as a teenager. That's where the big action sequence -- the speedboat chase -- comes from. Elsewhere, the Camp Whitewater stuff is definitely ripped off from Friday the 13th, but word to god, I've never actually seen a Friday the 13th film so it's really more ripped off from Halloween.
I decided to make Kitty Iranian because of all the bad press Iran and Iranian were getting at the time, where politicians conflated the actions of the Iranian government with those of the ordinary citizens, all of whom were hit hardest by the sanctions and powerless to do anything. I can understand that making someone a Great White Shark isn't exactly a blessing, but I actually developed a love for sharks through writing this book. I used to be terrified of them, but I can now say that writing this book, I love sharks. I look at sharks, especially great whites, with as much affection as I look at my pet cat. I know, that sounds weird (very weird) but this book really gave me empathy for sharks and helped me see the world from their point of view.
I wrote the book in the Covid Summer of 2020, just as things started to turn sour for me in the Autumn. That said, much of the book still has that goodwill feeling I felt when writing Melancholia. I think this is evident from the relatively happy ending the book possesses. Yes, there's going to be a sequel.