It goes without saying I dislike Hitler. Hot take, I know. I shouldn't have to say this, in this day and age, but I really, really detest Hitler. Anyone who's a human being with a soul should detest Hitler. The suggestion that my book, In Bloom, was promoting Hitler by including the word "ubermensch" (which, in reality, I actually took from a Pete Bradshaw review in The Guardian which had nothing to do with the Nazis) I find completely libellous. I really cannot stress this enough. The book depicts a dystopic, authoritarian society and is an anti-fascist novel that promotes individuality not assimilation i.e. completely the opposite of what Hitler believed. The old, the classical, the traditional, is seen as evil; Hitler would not have liked this. I doubt also he would have cared for the book's strong LGBT, Transgender themes as he described Magnus Hirschfield, a Jewish gender surgeon, as "the most dangerous Jew in Germany", hence not being exactly an ally of Trans or LGBT rights. We should also consider the many gay and LBGT individuals who died in the Holocaust. That, in any way, Hitler would have liked this book and its presentation of Germany in a deeply sinister light is so ludicrous, it beggars belief. I'm proud to say this is not a Hitler book rather it is a German expressionist book, it's proudly a Liddy Bacroff Book.